
Our team includes all active members who are committing time and effort to effectively contribute to the Silicon Valley Africans' initiative. Listed below are the founders and leaders of the Alliance.

The first project was to set forth our vision and define the values of the community based on the summer pilot of 2017. During the project, we reflected on past milestones achieved over the summer and discussed the plan moving forward. Some of the core issues at stake we analyzed were around the scalability and fundability of the organization as well as the timing of on-going and future developments. We are currently working to partner with institutions to continue growing and become relevant in the Silicon Valley technology and business arenas.

At Silicon Valley Africans, every community member and partner have access to exclusive consulting and career services made available to accelerate their professional development. Those benefits include:

  • The SVA mentorship program designed to help every entrepreneur through the earliest and most difficult part of starting their company. Every member will be matched up with an expert advisor to regularly go over their progress, their challenges and solutions to move forward.
  • The SVA job search platform created to let every member browse through job opportunities made available exclusively for them. They have access to opportunity matching and referrals through a community of professionals working at some of the fastest growing companies in the Bay Area.
  • The Research program at SVA help organizations such as Black in AI amplify their success. SVA remains steadfast in its commitment to promote diversity, share ideas and discuss initiatives to increase the presence of Black people in the tech ecosystem
  • Silicon Valley Africans strive to make the largest impact possible by providing NGOs with technical talent and a cohort of consultants who can advise them on how best to achieve their mission

At Silicon Valley Africans, community involvement and outreach are part of the way we operate. We invest in the education of our members by organizing community events that will stimulate our community interest and help everyone develop a sense of responsibility in how they can create impact in the world. We do so by:

  • Organizing guest speaker series
  • Participating in conferences to help shape the conversation
  • Sharing and promoting our members work